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The Problem

Today, there's a collective wringing of the hands, as a dark cloud of unease hangs over the world, as nations and societies contemplate their future, whether they can take the necessary steps to avoid holding their future captive to the bad decisions they're making today, most of which seem short-sighted and self-serving.

Using the clarity that comes with hindsight, it wouldn't be hyperbolic to say that, almost from its inception, the world has been on a path of steady decline, and self-destruction, notwithstanding the rise and fall of empires, a plethora of scientific and technological advances, and the advent, during our often benighted human history, of a long line, here and there, along the way, of enlightened spiritual figures to illumine our path with wisdom and guidance—Moses, Zoroaster, Lao-Tzu, The Buddha, Confucius, Socrates, Jesus Christ, Muhammad, Emanuel Swedenborg, Mary Baker Eddy, and many others.

By telling my story, I revealed how life really works here in our world—my life and your life. It's one of the reasons I wrote my book, "The You in You." It answers the age-old question: "Why do bad things happen to good people?" At one time or another, we have all scratched our head, baffled by events impacting people we know, or don't know, people who have met—when we consider their whole life—a fate that defies reason. They either contracted a rare disease, or illness, or they were involved in a life-altering accident, or became victims of some horrific crime, or died suddenly, seemingly before their time. We learn that cause and effect aren't two things, but one thing. We learn, finally, that our actions have consequences. This life lesson often escapes murderers, thieves, and others whose actions set cause in motion only to have the effects of their actions returned to them, reaping what they have sown. 

Most of the strife in our world—personal as well as global—results from people not having an understanding as to how life works, an oversight that my book and this project hope to correct. We're all aware of the strife that's taking place in our world—racial strife, social strife, and political strife—but rarely the strife that's taking place within ourselves.
Droughts in California and throughout the Pacific Northwest are showing signs of easing, although in California it may take several more years before precipitation replaces the groundwater to the same extent that existed before the drought. In my book. I recount the steps I'm taking to end the persistent drought on the West Coast. Among other so-called preternatural abilities associated with my ability to leave my body at will, has been the ability to affect the weather. I have yet to tackle the manifested cause for the draughts, global warming itself, a phenomenon over which I may, or may not, have control. When we're able to apply the solution detailed in The Project section of this website, global warming and its accompanying consequences, droughts being one of them, will diminish until they're no longer an existential threat to the planet and its hapless inhabitants. Corrective steps will be taken to elevate human wisdom over human folly, and the Earth, itself, will begin to heal itself after years of human neglect, and an outright assault on Gaia's sustainability.

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I don't think I have to recite the immensity of the problems facing our world and the people who call this planet home. Hanging in the balance, if we're not careful, is our extinction, and I don't think I've overstated my conclusion.  

The most significant existential threat to humanity, other than terrorism, and war—nuclear, and otherwise—is global warming, and its deadly spawn: droughts, tornadoes, rising sea levels, melting glaciers, and the destruction of the world's coral reefs (although global warming is not the only cause), to name a few. The reefs are the source of much of our marine life, feeding roughly 75 million people around the world.
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