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The Soulution to help to bring more love on earth.

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The Idea

These are turbulent times. During our very long history, it's possible that we've never faced times such as these, times that threaten our very existence. These could very well be the most perilous days of our life, fraught as they are with uncertainties for our present, as well as for our future, including the future existence of the planet and the people upon it. Our problem escalated throughout the 20th century, and now into the 21st century, without there being suitable remedies or solutions in sight, at least none that are generally acknowledged, and accepted. Citing global warming, the nuclear threat, and the current political climate, guardians of the "Doomsday Clock" found it necessary in 2017, after taking the temperature of the times, to reset the clock, moving its hands, which were at three minutes to midnight, to two minutes and thirty seconds to midnight. It hasn't been this close in 64 years, not since 1953—yet again accentuating the gravity with which we should mark these times.

Notwithstanding, all is not lost. Thankfully, we have at our disposal the means to reverse the damage that we have done to ourselves and the planet, but we have to act quickly. Although we've been told that some damage to the environment may be irreversible if we don't act soon, and do so with the proper measures, we shouldn't want to take the chance that comes with inaction. Similarly, a nuclear holocaust could likely end all life on this planet, or make survival, at best, an uncertain proposition. The answer to our salvation has always been there—inscribed in our Holy Writ, penned into our poetry, revealed in the lyrics of our popular songs, and preached from the pulpits of houses of worship.  

So it's with the urgency of the moment that I make my appeal to all the people of this world, using my life story both to encourage and to beseech your participation in what may be your greatest life work—taking part in a project to save the planet, and its countless life forms, including humans. Without a doubt, we can't afford to fail in our endeavor, as too much is at stake—future generations are counting on us to get it right. It's in this spirit, then, that I hope to galvanize as many people as possible to join this project—as it will take hundreds of thousands, if not millions—to assure success.

Admittedly, my story will seem so fantastical that you'll be tempted to think it's the stuff of science fiction, or fantasy, rather than the truth which it represents. I'm well aware that I have nothing more than my words—since I'm not personally known by you—with which to persuade you to my cause. I can only pray that you'll give my story the benefit of the doubt, and choose to join the project herein for the sake of the world—for its continued well-being and longevity. 

Recently, I wrote and published a book entitled "The You in You: Unveiling the You that's Hidden from View." The book chronicles a few of my out-of-body explorations, explorations numbering in the thousands, otherworldly ventures extending from my childhood into adulthood, giving me a view of the world that few get to see, and appreciate. In addition to these experiences, I shared with my readers the wisdom and insight garnered from an angelic presence which I refer to as The Voice. The Voice has guided me throughout my life and has done so without intruding on my free will, although, at times, I wish it had. I will reference my book throughout this appeal, suggesting pages as source material, the material offering additional information with which to further your understanding of a topic or subject under discussion. 
As for the project, God is the centerpiece of it, and, as the centerpiece, I will speak of Him often, well aware that your concept of God will differ from mine, notwithstanding the religion to which you may belong, its tenets, and doctrines. Because of our uniqueness, no two persons can behold God in quite the same way, just as we don't all behold any idea in quite the same way, bringing to it our unique perspective and perception, coloring it with ourselves, although we may find agreement on specific aspects of it. Therefore, there're as many concepts of God on the Earth as there are people to imagine Him, notwithstanding the religion to which they may belong, or not, as there are those who deny His Existence altogether, and, in that denial, create a concept of Him of their own, in the same way as those who do believe. I have my idea of God. You have your idea of God. And that's all fine. This project is not seeking to convert anyone, to make anyone right or wrong, or to tell anyone which religion is the true one. It merely asks you to do one thing and to do that one thing with focus and consistency.
In a sense, I've lived a remarkable life. On the outside, you'd never know it, as I manifest very little of this remarkableness for the world to see, as it exists mainly on the inside. Granted, for all its internal qualities, highlighting facilities beyond that of leaving my body—clairaudience and clairvoyance—my life hasn't been free of trials or tribulations, nor of seeming setbacks, obstacles that proved to be, in the long run, more abundant in blessings than steeped in hardships. 

You might be tempted to believe that these extrasensory abilities belong to others and not to you, that they are outside your grasp or your ability to achieve, but that assessment would be wrong; with the proper guidance, your life can be as remarkable as mine, the only difference being that you may be missing one essential element, one that I will direct you to, one that you already have, but perhaps haven't exploited to your full advantage, one that we all have at our beck and call, at the ready so to speak, one that I will need from you if this project has any chance of success. 
Not long after publishing my book, and while standing in my kitchen, the idea for the project just exploded, accompanied by a powerful surge of energy from within, the force rippling throughout my entire body, palpable and relentless, setting in motion the inevitability you're now seeing—the website you're currently visiting, and the project I was inspired to launch. There have been similar projects, but they had limited objectives, objectives not as ambitious as the one I'm herein proposing.

I don't remember a time when I didn't believe in God. From an early age, I felt connected to Him, partly because my father was a minister, requiring that I spend many hours in church, from Sunday school, early in the morning, to evening service, long after the sun had set. My father always made sure we had front-row seats, where he could easily keep a watchful eye on us from the pulpit. This level of attention was his way of assuring that we would be "good boys," my twin and I, and not squirm in our seat. I believe the message hidden away in my burst of inspiration is that now is the time to usher in a New Age, the Age of God, that it's imperative we act quickly, now that the means—and the know-how—to affect change are within our reach, as the stage has been set to begin this world-saving transformation.

I know your participation will depend on your believing in what I'm proposing, as well as the genuineness of my words, the words of a stranger, one you've never met, but who, nevertheless, believes that together we can do great things. The Voice reassures: "It's all a matter of everyone coming together." 
Continue Reading The Problem
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